From Anxiety to True Empowerment – 12 week Online Course- Live (and recorded) with Brian Piergrossi
We currently live in very uncertain times, in a culture and society filled with increasing anxiety, worry and stress. Whether it’s politics, economy, family, relationships, physical and mental health, spiritual direction, the future seems increasingly uncertain, confusing and in many ways scary. What can we truly hold onto for safety and security in these uncertain times where everything seems to be changing and so much at risk?
Here is the good news: These times where there is the greatest uncertainty are also the times where the challenges before us provide the greatest opportunity to grow, evolve and awaken into our highest self, and most essential nature, filled with inner peace, love, freedom and true empowerment.
After having worked with hundreds of people from many different walks of life for over 10 years as well as my own personal experience, I’ve noticed something amazing. There are holistic, core universal principles, that when brought into awareness, applied sincerely and consistently over time, shift ones consciousness from a state of anxiety and fear to a state of inner peace, creativity and love.
These are the principles that it’s time for us a society to become aware of and integrate and you have the opportunity to be the change you want to see. Whether you have extreme phobias or subtle blocks you want to transcend, a high-functioning individual looking to discover self-realization and overcome limitations to success and intimacy or whether you are temporarily suffering and immobilized from extreme anxiety and phobias in your life, these principles, when realized and consistently applied, bring a profound new sense of inner peace, creativity, freedom, love and empowerment to the quality of your daily life and those you love.
These groundbreaking universal principles and the self-awareness they bring apply to all individuals amidst the daily challenges of modern life and they apply to you.
Our Community .. And How it Works!
What’s most exciting is that this is an online course.. and it’s also an online community. You can participate wherever you are anytime 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week. Once you register you will be able to watch the live videos in a private Facebook group each week, participate, ask questions, share stories, make friends, explore exercises and build community with others on this path, with Brian, and other community members throughout the week. It’s so important on this journey not to feel alone but to feel a sense of community and support.
What You’ll Learn Each Week:
-Who are you really ? Self-Realization
-Optimal Heatlh and Fulfillment Routine for Body/Mind/Spirit
-The True Power of the Mind
-Emotional Intelligence
-Meditation Practice
-The Breathwork and Body Awareness
-Tantric (Embodied) Consciousness
-Present Moment Sensory Awareness
-Embracing the Unknown and Quieting the Mind
-Recognizing The Ever Present “I AM”
-Realizing Story as Story
-Distinguishing between story and reality
-How to recreate your life story
-How to recreate the story of your future and your past
-The Inspiration to Transcend Anxiety: Where does it come from?
-The power of being motivated and inspired for something larger than yourself to transcend inner blocks
-Moving from Victimization to Spiritual Liberation
-Guided Visualizations
-Break-out Groups
-Suggested exercises and experiments through out the week ..
– Personal Question and answer with Brian
-A community dedicated to empowerment and self-love to share and grow with the rest of your life.
-Bringing it all together as an integral practice to discover the toolbox, and inner awareness, to move forward from anxiety to freedom, inner peace and empowerment
-Can’t watch live? No problem! Playbacks available
This course will give you the principles, self-awareness, inspiration, motivation and accountability to transcend unconscious limiting belief systems, fears and phobias that are holding you back to live a life of freedom, empowerment, inner peace and enjoyment for yourself, your family, your community and the world… and have fun along the way!
How Much?
In order to be affordable for all participants the cost is on a sliding scale basis: $50 to $350 for the course! Pay whatever works in your budget to be a part of this if you register before Jan 16th, ($50 is just over $3 a class!! 🙂 )
(Payments are non-refundable)
After January 16th its full $350 for the course.
The course runs every Wednesday Jan 18th- Apr 26th 2017
Register here:
What Do I Do?
It’s super easy! Upon registration you will be emailed the link to the join the private Facebook group with others from around the world where all live videos, messages and correspondence will take place through out the week.
Live classes with Brian will air for 60 minutes (and often longer) each Wednesday.
Welcome to the online conscious community of empowerment, inner peace and love.
Suggested books along with the Course:
The Big Glow: Insight, Inspiration, Peace and Passion by Brian Piergrossi
The Wow of the Now: Awakening to the Big Glow Within by Brian Piergrossi
About Brian Piergrossi
Author of The Big Glow and The Wow of the Now, Life Coach & Teacher.
At the age of 20 years old, Brian was suddenly struck by a mysterious, debilitating illness, later labeled chronic fatigue syndrome, that lasted for years, leaving him in intense, daily, physical pain and too weak to effectively function in society. When no medical or other authority figure could explain the suffering that was happening to him, Brian made it his life commitment to inquire into human suffering.
What began was over 11 years of committed, serious inquiry, study and personal application into the fields of spirituality, religion, psychology, sociology, cosmology, ecology, health, arts, science, yoga, as well as the core of the enlightenment and self-realization teachings.
After leading a quiet, simple life for over a decade, Brian felt a passionate calling to share his straight forward, timeless, spiritual truths for the 21st Century in a modern context with those who are ready and interested.
For over 7 years, Brian has dedicated himself full time, professionally, and privately, to supporting the path of transformation, spiritual liberation and Self-Realization in individuals, families and communities around the world.
His highly acclaimed books continue to inspire new readers worldwide.
He works one on one, by phone, online, and in person with personal life coaching clients from around the world.
He leads transformative Big Glow retreats, classes and workshops internationally.
Brian has shared his message as a featured guest on numerous radio and television programs.
He has lectured at colleges, schools, festivals, expos and conferences
His daily online posts are now read by thousands of readers each day.
He’s written cutting-edge articles for spiritual magazines.
He co-founded The Big Glow Online Community leading global online chats there weekly on aspects of his teaching and the inner workings of the mind .
With the unrelenting sole intention of educating and facilitating the awakening of consciousness inside individuals and communities around the world, Brian Piergrossi is an emerging voice of awakened spirituality, peak performance and human potential in the 21st Century.
“When the pillars of my limited mind collapsed, the roof caved in and I could take in the beauty of the stars.”
—Brian Piergrossi
Praise for Brian Piergrossi
“I have experienced Brian’s work. He is amazing and I highly recommend Brian to you all considering working with him. He is truly gifted and deeply insightful man, with a gentle kindness, yet inner power, which makes him easy to relate to.“
—M.S., Student, Rockville MD
“I just wanted to say, WOW! transforming session and sessions. I feel so grateful for the things you have been through in your life that has brought you to this now point. Your journey is in turn helping my journey and my awakening.”
—G.R., Counselor, Spokane WA
“Hi Brian, I think it is a perfect day to let you know how much you have done for me in my life through our sessions. It is like you have opened up a bottle to let everything run freely and fluidly in me. You have the gift to make people realize them self. You are a light worker and you have found you soul purpose.”
—B.F., Journalist, Campbell Spain
“Dearest Brian, I need to say more than thank you to you in fact I don’t think there are words on this planet to describe my thanks. I have had a lot of growth and realization over the last few weeks from our life coaching sessions. Some of it has been hard and some has just come so naturally. It’s not during our sessions that I grow the most or come to these realizations it’s always the days between sessions. It’s like you plant little seeds in me that grow during the week. You are truly an inspirational being that I feel honored to have met in my life at this moment. You have guided me to become honest and accountable with myself, which then reflects to the world. WOW!!!!
This week we spoke about Love which was a difficult concept for me to understand…Well my biggest realization from the last few weeks came this morning while I was running at the gym….I realized I am not what happened to me, I am not my mental illness, I am not just a mum, daughter, sister, nurse I am ME!!!! I am simply ME in this moment I am me that does not need to be defined. I never realized how much I label everything… myself, love, my children. I feel lighter and have no words to describe this feeling inside. Brian you are moving the fog I was living in and I’m seeing glorious sunshine for the first time.”
—M.W., Nurse, Sydney Australia
“Brian is a transmitter of presence. Today more than ever we have a hard time being fully present and awake in the moment. We are living in the past or future… tainted too often with scars from the past that we have not released or too caught up in the worries of the future, that keep us from fully experiencing the joy that every new moment brings, the endless possibilities that are always around us if we can just let go and let things BE.
Brian states how he feels, he expresses appreciation and gratitude and is honest with you at all times. This allows for one to feel safe and accepted, understood and heard which opens one up to fully experiencing their true, authentic self.
I am grateful to him for teaching me from his Beingness how to live my life more authentically and more fully alive within myself. As I continue to bring more of my True Self into the present moment, I am able to experience more fully the gift of being me and being able to share that with others.”
—M.A., Entreprenuer, Miami FL
“In much the same way a horse can be trained to lose spirit, by being broken in, humans get broken in too. Not just by society, but also by events in their lives that repeatedly knock one down (loss, death, abuse etc. for example). And when one’s spirit is broken, no matter how one wakes up, the will to move forward, to make the changes necessary, is simply not there. So, for me it is all about the will – not having the spirit or strength has been behind much of what I unconsciously sabotage. But, this all changed after speaking to you. That was the first and most powerful realisation. I am blessed to have countless opportunities to bring people into my space and share what I have learnt and yet I have pushed them away. Not anymore.”
—K.S., Environmentalist, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
“After my session, I feel like I am diving into my soul and playing with it and have a very blissful state of being. It was a spark and now a flame. I feel like I just had a 3 hour massage, and I love massage…Shining.“
—J.R., Artist, Healer Reading PA
“When I came to Brian I was in a very dark place in my heart, wondering what the point was and running out of hope. Brian brought the light and shined it on my heart in so many ways. He has helped me be aware of the dragging the past into each moment, or burdening the moment with the “what ifs” of the future. I am learning to create the space in this moment, to enjoy what is here now. He has helped me see that I have the power to create the life that I “want in this moment” not some far off point in the future “when.” Far from the deep despair that I started with, I now have moments of actual “giddiness,” happiness today, now, that I can be free to enjoy my life today. Together we have explored my job, my relationships, my physical health, and brought to those areas intention and candor. But I think the biggest change has been in my spirit. I have a peace now that I did not have before.”
– J.T., Registered Nurse, Raleigh NC
“BECAUSE of my life coaching sessions….
a gentle being
no fears
no attachments
no worries
and FULL of:
peace in all areas in my life
my friendships are stronger than ever
my love just goes deeper than ever for myself
and for every person in my life
I wake, sleep, walk and talk with serenity in my heart… THANK YOU!
My GREATEST gift to myself was taking these life coach sessions with you. It is truly the most powerful and beautiful gift a person could ever gain.
I look forward to the day we can continue my sessions, until then I carry inside of me all the insights that you gave to me for a better living. I hope that others will follow and enjoy what this beautiful world has to offer, esp. the gift of being.”
—E.V., Chicago IL, Legal Secretary
“Dear friends, As you already know, I seldom endorse anything or anyone on my page, however, since many of you have asked in the past about one-on-one coaching, I want to take a moment to talk to you about it, and to introduce you to a life coach I admire profoundly and I proudly place my name behind in support, Brian Piergrossi.
Brian is known as Brian – The Big Glow, after his wonderful book titled The Big Glow. Brian is a life coach who has a fantastic two month program that is the most complete I have come across. For those wondering what a Life Coach does and why anyone would need one, let me briefly tell you about it.
A life coach is an experienced professional whom one recruits for a given amount of time to help us re-group and re-balance via their proven techniques and know-how modeled after their studies and experience. Getting perspective from an unbiased advocate of our well-being is something very special and a wise decision that some of the most successful people in the world do habitually. Businessman Donald Trump, Golfer Tiger Woods, and athlete and gold medalist Nadia Comaneci are amongst those who have secured the help of a life coach in periods of their life.
I can guarantee, that should you decide to invest on yourself in this manner, you will be pleasantly surprised with what The Big Glow Two Month Life Coaching Program can contribute to your life. Brian is very dedicated to constantly enhance his program, but especially dedicated and interested in the all-around success and happiness of the ones he works with.”
—J.L., Author, Life Coach, Musical Artist, New York, NY
“When I began to live in this unquestioning way, my life really blossomed. {this change of thought began, April, 2008} I wasn’t sure “how” I would pay for school but have now done 27 credits since September and all has been paid for. I didn’t know “how” I would be able to buy a house but bought one anyway and have paid my mortgage for over a year. I didn’t know “how” I was going to pay for my schooling in Italy this summer but I am set to go July 6th and return August 11th and my flight is paid in full and my tuition is nearly paid for.
I live very frugal in material objects but live in abundance with family and friends. I live with love and a respect for myself and others. I have less then 10,000.00 in cash value to my name, infinite value in family and friends and my materials wavers somewhere in between and I feel rich with love and life and I am blessed in a new relationship where we nurture each other’s souls. I thank God everyday for just going ahead and trusting the okayness of not knowing “how” and just doing it anyway!!!
Thank You Brian for being a helpful soul during those days when I questioned so much and was living in a stagnant puddle of worry and sadness and frustration…..your coaching words took time to sink in at my own pace and allowed me to own my own power and begin to live.
Thanks again! Peace, Love and abundant Joy !!!!”
—K.S., Milwaukee WI, Artist
Register here: