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The Circle with Brian Piergrossi & Friends: New online spiritual community begins Aug. 1st.

The new online spiritual community with Brian Piergrossi  Reserve Your Seat Here We currently live in very uncertain times, in a culture and society filled with increasing anxiety, worry and stress. Whether it’s politics, economy, family, relationships, physical and mental health, spiritual direction, for so many, the future seems increasingly uncertain, confusing, and in many ways scary. In these times …

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How I Market & Promote my ‘Life Coaching’ Business

Over 18 years ago, I took the leap of starting my business as a “life coach” and have been solely supported by this passionate calling of sacred service ever since. Over that time span, I’ve helped thousands of people from every corner on Earth to see more clearly what their challenges are, why those challenges exist, and support them in …

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Innocence Consciousness: Looking into the Eyes of Heaven

Why did Jesus say one must become like a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven? To look into the eyes of a child is an astonishing thing. When they are quiet and still for a moment, It really does feel like you’re looking into the eyes of Heaven. There’s a deep, yet infinitely vast presence, in those eyes, …

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Why are Young Men Lonelier than Ever? (New Podcast Episode)

New Podcast Episode! After listening to the playback of this episode, my son Gio said texted me it was “phenomenal”, and one best podcast episodes he’s ever listened to … and he listens to a lot of podcasts! A plethora of new scientific studies indicate young people in America (especially men) are more lonely, depressed, single, sexless, and anxious than …

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BEing a Baby! Breathwork

For years now, when I’m guiding any breathing meditation, or a group breathwork with my students and clients, I’m often asking them to think of a baby to them how to breathe. This is a short video of my son napping yesterday morning. Focus, in particular, on the very bottom of his belly. Notice how it fully expands on the …

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Our Son is Born! Please Welcome Joah Lee Piergrossi

Joah Lee Piergrossi Born March 25th, 2024 ========   Welcome to this life and to this world. I’ll show you everything. It’s an amazing place. There’s rivers And mountains Lakes And oceans   Sunsets And star-filled nights   Flowers And butterflies Rainbows And snowflakes   There’s laughter And tears   Pleasure And pain   Just remember no matter what happens …

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The greatest scientific inquiry of all

The greatest scientific inquiry of all is an inner one. For this scientific inquiry one must pay very close attention. Get very still and quiet, in a space of pure observation, without preconceived ideas. One must enter a state of the most sincere curiosity.  To have  the willingness to look with fresh eyes, as if you’re seeing life for the …

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I’m at Home in the Silence

I am at home. It’s incredibly quiet where I sit right now. Immensely, unspeakably quiet. So quiet that some kind of an ancient memory suddenly re-surfaces in the cells of my body. It’s a re-membering that it used to be this quiet the majority of the time for human beings. It’s a remembering that, unlike the modern, urban dystopia, this …

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The Natural Way

I’m just finishing up five personal coaching sessions today with clients from all around the world, and now making some time to take in our back property at twilight. As I wade in the spacious stillness and take in the peaceful sounds of the babbling creek next to me, amidst the sounds of beautiful bird calls, singing frogs in the …

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The Greatest Superpower in the Universe

If there’s one thing I’ve clearly learned in my life it’s that love is the greatest superpower in the universe. More powerful than any government or institution. It can, & will, overcome any obstacle in the most surprising ways. Love can heal minds, it can heal hearts, & yes, it can even heal bodies. Love is the miraculous force that …