There is a Tested Method that is Transforming the Love Lives of Single Visionaries & Entrepreneurs Around the World!
What do I mean by love?
The first time a new relationship is about to end, usually somewhere within the first few months, when the “in love” bubble bursts, and the illusion of perfection is shattered. That’s when there is an opportunity for a deeper, more genuine intimacy beyond the illusionary image of the other to emerge.
The first time a relationship is about to end, that is when it has the opportunity to really begin.
This is the rite of passage to what I sometimes call ‘phase two’. Most don’t get there. Some do.
Phase two is when things get much harder.. and yet also when it gets much better.
This is when there is the first opportunity for a more genuine, deeper intimacy to emerge. A love beyond the illusion of how the other is supposed to be, the fixed images, and projected ideas.
That’s when the opportunity arises to see, feel, and love each other as we truly are… in all our humanness.
Let’s be real. Any dumb kid can ‘fall in love’ and every dumb kid does. It’s nothing more than a conditioned biochemical reaction. I personally would not even call it “love”. More like infatuation.
Most movies are about the infatuation in the first three days of a relationship when the hormones are firing. No doubt, that’s a wonderful part of life to tell the story of.
The aspiring genius, however, learns to navigate a deeply fulfilling, intimate, passionate relationship beyond the initial spark.
How do you find this genuine, soulful love with another?
Not by the ways we’ve been conditioned to believe.
You definitely do not find it waiting for the right person to appear and make you feel happy.
Not by waiting for “the one” to “find you”.
You must first learn to deeply, know, understand, appreciate, and love all the aspects of yourself.
It’s absolutely impossible to have a powerful, intimate, loving relationship without realizing who you really are and learning to fall deeply in love with yourself first.
How do you truly love yourself?
By taking the time to truly be with yourself, authentically and vulnerably, and learning to love every part of yourself… including the parts you’ve been told not to.
By learning to be with the thoughts, feelings, emotions, physical self, story of the future, story of the past, and the timeless essence of who you truly are,
True love must be rooted in self-love.
In over 13 years working with thousands of clients around the world. I have discovered what people long for the most, and what people fear the most, is deep intimacy.
Have you been struggling with cultivating a deeper, more passionate intimacy in your life?
I’ve Been There
I certainly know what it’s like to feel isolated, and lonely, without knowing how to connect.
I know what it’s like to be sitting alone on a Saturday night doubting that I’ll ever meet the right person.
I know what it’s like to be in a relationship that lacks true intimacy, fiery passion, sexual potency, purpose, and depth.
I made a decision to devote my life to create something different.
I discovered who I really was and how to create deep intimacy in my life through a devoted practice I’ve also been quietly teaching my clients for years. The results have been amazing.
The Results Around the World
When Ginny from Miami first met me, she had not been able to create a healthy, happy intimate relationship in her life. However, like my other clients, that was about to change using the method I taught her. Ginny tells the story:
“I had made the decision to share private sessions with Brian. We started in January of 2017. I felt at the time that I was a mess, still living in my mind, the past, victimization, the stories, needing validation, the people pleasing, and anxiety about the future. In the past 6 months, I have become so much more aware than I ever thought I would be. I have learned to live in the now, let the energy of all, seemingly good or seemingly bad, flow through me.
Through Brian’s experience and his great mentorship, I was able to manifest my soulmate, and in a manner of 4 weeks, we found each other in a way that I would have never expected. Brian helped me feel the fear and allow it to flow through and out of me, not without some resistance on my part, of course.
It really works when we align ourselves with who we really are..
Amazing things happen when we live in the now, detach from our minds and remain in that open field of oneness and infinite possibilities.” -Ginny Ruiz, Miami Florida
Mari from Minnesota tells her story:
“The results have been amazing. Since my personal sessions with Brian I am now making money doing impactful & meaningful work that I love. I am living in the place of my dreams and spend several months a year traveling the world. I’ve gotten into the best shape of my life and cultivated a new magical relationship with my true soulmate.”
This powerful two step method I will share with you is exactly what has allowed me to attract, and form a powerful union with my soulmate as well. Not only that, this method is what got me into the best shape of my life, to live in the place of my dreams, double my income, and live in inspired purpose everyday doing the work that lights me up every day!
If you’ve read this far, you may be thinking: How can I also realize my true self and create the deep, intimate, soulful, passionate relationship I yearn for, and all the secondary benefits that come with it? Don’t worry. I am not going to leave you hanging.
I am opening just a few spaces for a special, three month coaching package with new clients who are deeply committed and sincere. All sessions will be live, interactive sessions uniquely tailored for you situation.
Space is limited. In order to provide, individual personal attention and care I can not work with everyone. When these spaces are filled they are filled.
What You Will Learn:
-Tantra Practices & Tantric Consciousness
-The Power of Masculine / Feminine Polarity
-How to Amplify your Magnetism
-How to Have an Amazing, Passionate Sex Life
– Confidence
– Vulnerability
-Who You Really Are
-Your Unique Purpose
– How to Exactly and Effortlessly Attract the Perfect Partner
– How to Know if Someone is Right for You
-Conscious Communication
-Intimacy Practices and Skills
-Deeper Levels of Self Love
– How to Know Healthy Boundaries
– How to Let Go of the Past / Forgiveness and Gratitude
– How to Transcend Loneliness and Separation
-How to Work with Anxiety and Turn it Into Excitement and Love
Future Client
If you sincerely want to commit to making this shift in your life, simply send me a private message that states “Future Client”. I will conduct a brief interview with you to see if you are a good fit for this program. I am also aware most people are not ready for this and I will only be working with clients that are. That’s part of the reason I call it the V.I.P course.
This program will a six month commitment.
I am certain, with practice, you can and will create a life of true passion, inspiration, intimacy and love for yourself, love for others, and life itself that will become unshakeable.
I am fully confident, when you look back in 5 years, this will be one of the most life changing investments you ever made.
I am super excited about your future.
How are you feeling right now? Are you excited yet? Nervous?
If you’re excited, and perhaps, also a little bit nervous, then something in this message is sparking you. Send me a private message today entitled ‘future client’ and we’ll schedule a time to chat within the next 48hours.
You’re worth it!
-Brian Piergrossi
photographer credit: Taylor Clark Johnson
In the photo: Myself and my life partner Annie in 2018
Life Changing!