The first fifteen years of my work was primarily about LOVE. Unfortunately, the words “love” & “care” are now being used to manipulate people to do things against their will.
So to counter that, the next fifteen years of my work will primarily be about EMPOWERMENT.
Where the first 15 years were primarily about honoring a more healthy feminine.
The next 15 years are going to be primarily about bringing in a more healthy, bad-ass masculine.
It will also have a little different style then you’ve been used to in the past
A bit less of a call to comfort & bit more of a call to battle.
A bit more confrontational & challenging.
Know, however, that genuine Iove is still the underlying foundation.
True love is still the fundamental realization that there is only One infinite, ever-present Essence and you are always one with that essence
True love never, ever tries to manipulate, or coerce, anyone to do anything.
Nor does true empowerment.
There are many different pathways to Self-Realization.
Choose one.
With love, freedom, inner peace & empowerment.– Brian Piergrossi
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