Sexual Energy – Brian Piergrossi

Sexual energy in the context of spirituality is one of the more challenging subjects to write about it.  On the one hand, there is nothing that needs to be said about it at all.  It is a healthy, divine part of us, like any other part.  It’s yours.  Enjoy it. However, because of the traditions most of us grow out of, there seems to be a long road to get to this simple realization.

Therefore, because there has been so much distortion, confusion, repression,  suppression and violence around this energy for thousands of years, it feels like there is so much that needs to be said.  Because this is such a potentially powerful energy, people seem to fear it, and at the same time place many illusions around it.

One of the most fundamental and primary energies in human beings is sexual energy.  Turn the knob of your radio and listen to popular music, surf cable TV, look at the best-selling novels, movies, do an internet search, look within yourself and it is not difficult to come to this conclusion. Sexual energy is one of the fundamental driving energies in the world.  Just the fact, for example, that the word “sexual” is in the title of this essay, will certainly make it one of the most widely read essays I’ve written.
When we are on a spiritual path, a very important question is how to integrate this primal sexual energy into a higher spiritual context toward a healthy, harmonious and happy life. A search for guidance within the world’s major religions will leave one quite dissatisfied and disappointed.

Generally speaking, none of the world’s traditional mainstream religions seem to address such a primary human question at all except to say, don’t do it,  don’t feel it, don’t talk about it and don’t think about it.

Thanks a lot guys (and they are all guys, by the way)!  Thanks for plaguing the human mind with thousands of years of guilt, suffering, repression, and suppression for energy that is innate within the biology of every healthy, vital human being.

This is like saying to feel guilty if we have a heartbeat., or it is a sin if we breathe. It is like telling us not to blink, or not to digest our food.

We were born from sexual energy, literally.  Let’s not forget sexual energy is what made each and every one of us. We would not be here if it was not for sexual energy. We were born out of that energy and we swim in it every day. The interplay of yin and yang, shakti and shiva, masculine and feminine is what makes the universe move. Eros is the creative life force of the universe.  To try to repress it is to cut our self off from life itself.

There is no need to try to suppress or repress this energy.  Trying to suppress or repress this energy because we are “spiritual” is unhealthy, unhappy, and counterproductive toward living a life of well-being, inner joy and peace for yourself and others, not to mention it doesn’t work.
This doesn’t mean, as some may be wondering, that I am suggesting we need to act on every thought or fantasy that enters our heads. I am not writing about a specific act, I am writing here about an energy.

The key is not to repress sexual energy but consciously channel this energy in a way that feels most appropriate in the moment.  The difference between the two may seem subtle but is actually quite large.  The first is stifling, the latter is liberating and empowering. The first blocks energy, the second supports its continued flow.

What is valuable is to flow with this energy when you feel it and learn to befriend it.  Become aware of it and consciously channel, use and express it in ways that are for the highest benefit of yourself and others under the given circumstances.  You can channel this energy into your work, your art, your writing, your partner, your bedroom, whatever you like.

As a lifestyle, One person may be largely celibate and channel their sexual energy mostly into a life of service and productive excellence, another may be highly sexually active with a particular soulmate, or with multiple lovers throughout their life.  The energy may be channeled and expressed differently at different phases of our lives.  In fact, it probably will be.

We are all unique expressions of the divine. How it manifests outwardly is actually not important. The important questions here are whether our energy is flowing in a way that provides us with a sense of passion and inner peace.  Is it in alignment with our heart? Is it based in the energy of love? The important question is how does it make us feel inside?

Sexual energy can be channeled as a form of healing and spiritual awakening.  This philosophy and practice, often called “tantra”, is something we will address in more depth in a little later essay.

A new consciousness, and new spiritual teachings, are emerging which recognizes sexual energy as an innate part of who and what we are, not something “dirty” or “bad”, to repress or suppress.

When we begin to further embrace and integrate it, when we become familiar and friendly with this energy in ourselves, we begin to channel it in ways that feel holistic and healthy for us as individuals.  Our energy is not blocked, but flowing freely.  When our energy is flowing, unblocked and unbounded, and we embrace every part of ourselves, we begin to glow just a little bit brighter together as expressions of the One.

-Brian Piergrossi is the author of ‘The Wow of the Now’ and ‘The Big Glow’, life coach and spiritual teacher.  He leads classes, retreats, and online courses around the world. More at


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