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‘The Wow of the Now’ is the second book of meditations, prayers, insights and poems from Brian Piergrossi articulating a new, unique spiritual teaching for the 21st Century.

It’s not just a book, it’s an energetic vibration. It’s a heart-felt invitation to awaken to your true essence and potential. It’s a new culture. It’s a growing movement to live authentically with presence in each moment. Join the movement and discover the Big Glow within!

Praise for The Wow of the Now:

‘Each page, each segment, unfolds gently, softly, like a prayer whispered in your heart. Perhaps this shall be the “prayer-book” for the New Religion that we are calling LOVE!’ – Victoria SkyDancer, Energy Worker

‘These are not just words written on a page, the writings in this book are so much deeper. I laughed, I cried, I felt a deep feeling of enoughness and a soothing, cleansing, peace all wrapped up in a warm blanket of love. I didn’t just read this book. I felt this book.’ -Gaila Robinson, Counselor

“‘The Wow of the Now’ will bring you into the powerful, amazing and limitless potentials for each moment in your life if you allow it to. Let the insight on so many areas of life enfold you, transform you deeper into the presence of now, where everything is born.” – Gabriella Hartwell, Author of ‘You Find Your Soul Mate When You Let Go of Searching’

Get the Paperback HERE! $23.00

Download it as an E-Book HERE! $9.88

Get it on Amazon Kindle HERE! $8.88

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Contains the original version of the widely circulated poem: ‘Love is the New Religion’ also known as ‘The Spiritual Conspiracy’

Brian Piergrossi’s The Big Glow, is a book which has the ability to awaken the consciousness and open the hearts of readers from all walks of life. Drawing inspiration from writers such as Rumi, Hafiz and Walt Whitman, yet with a fresh, new, unique voice all his own, Brian Piergrossi presents you with an invitation to take a journey with him toward embracing the miracle of this moment in all its majesty and utter amazement and live from deepest truths of your heart. It is an invitation to uncover the brightest light, “the big glow”, shining within your own soul, to relax and open into a new dimension of living. Through poem, prose, stories, essays, and aphorisms, with inspiration, insight, depth, raw passion, lots of humor
and flowing descriptive beauty, The Big Glow is a passionate and inspiring, poetic invitation to awaken, liberate and empower the human spirit in all its divine potential and wonder. Now it’s your turn! Discover what the Big Glow is all about!

‘Brian, your read was absolutely an astonishing master-piece. I just came across my autographed copy the other day and I thought of you. Thanks for the affirmation of self & the profound enlightenment that was encased.’ -Y.P. Baltimore MD

‘I am so enjoying the beauty of your book! What a sweet reminder it has been for me of what an AWESOME and MAGICAL world we live in! Thank you for sharing your LIGHT with the world!’ E.C. Cape Coral, FL

Buy the new ‘Best of the The Big Glow’ Audiobook narrated by author Brian Piergrossi:

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Please use the button below if you would like me to send you a personally signed copy of the book, or 2-CD audiobook. You will receive your signed copy in the mail within 5-7 business days.

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