I’m here preparing for a 3 day retreat Big Glow retreat at beautiful Namestoy Farms in Georgia tomorrow, Â Today I woke up with intense back spasms.
This may not be the way the mind envisioned it yet this is what IS.  Is this moment too a ‘holy moment’? Can we unconditionally embrace whatever arises trusting in an unfolding, divine orchestration that is more vast than the limited mind can ever comprehend?
Spiritual experience is a paradox..
It’s when you are not trying, not making any effort, not trying to control or change anything that it enters as the natural state of what is …
You can’t make a spiritual experience because if you try to make a spiritual experience it means you’re passing over this simple, yet miraculous moment and in truth, this simple, yet miraculous moment, is the only spiritual experience there ever is..
Meister Eckhart said: “If the only prayer you ever say your entire life if Thank You that should suffice/”
Can we be unconditionally grateful for what arises with a quiet mind and an open heart? This moment is always our teacher. and the ultimate answer if always: Yes.
Good news! If you are desiring one on one support. I have 3  spots available for new (or former) life coaching clients starting in January including a new year long mentorship program!  1 month, 3 month and 6 month packages are also available as well as single sessions. You can participate wherever you are in this world. More info on my life coaching here: http://thebigglow.com/lifecoach Testimonials from previous clients here: http://thebigglow.com/testimonialsÂ
Reply to this email with questions or request to schedule a call  to further discuss your options….
Next week I’ll share some really exciting news on a new online course and community that anyone can participate in.
Thank you for BEing…
Brian Satori Piergrossi
Asheville NC USA
Brian Piergrossi is the author of The Big Glow, The Wow of the Now, Life Coach, Spiritual Teacher. More at: Http://thebigglow.com
To download the audio version of The Big Glow with my voice over. Click here !
Featured Upcoming Public Events:
Dec 9-11 The Big Glow Retreat: The Art of Manifestation: Relationships, Abundance & Purpose  Brian Piergrossi and John Stringer – Namestoy Retreat Center (One Hour North of Atlanta) http://thebigglowdec2016.eventbrite.com
April 1-4 The Urban Mystic Retreat: Empowerment and Transformation with Dale Alan Hoffman, Brian Piergrossi & John Stringer – Asheville NC Registration Opens in two weeks …