How to Discover The Big Glow: Top Ten Big Ideas

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How to Discover the Big Glow

The Big Glow is a poetic metaphor for that which is always inside us. Our spiritual essence which can never truly be put into words.

It is discovered when we stop looking for fulfillment outside of ourselves.It is not about trying to be happy. It is about being authentic.

Happiness, Freedom, Inner Peace, Passion, Joy, Meaning, Purpose, Inspiration are byproducts that come through the self-realization of alignment with our true essence in this moment.

Stay with me here and little by little, I will be sharing with you a holistic approach to the infinite freedom, peace, love and empowerment that lies within us all.

The Top 10 Big Ideas


The Power of Present Moment Awareness

Whatever is happening is always happening right now. There is never anything that’s not happening right now. Therefore, the first and most important principle is present moment awareness. You are not even in the game until the clarity of being present and aware in this moment becomes 100% clear and of the highest priority. This is always where everything is happening. Be fully present in this moment and all things become possible. Without being present in this moment nothing is possible.

The Observer is the Observed – Dynamic Participation

The truth of life is there is no audience and entertainer. You are always a cocreator in all that’s happening. You are never outside of the equation. Quantum physics shows us the observer changes the observed by the very fact of observation. You are literally changing what you see, what happens, and how you experience what happens by your level of presence

The Incredible Power of Self-Honesty

It’s been said the truth will set you free. In fact, wanting to discover and live in the truth is the only real path to freedom, clarity, enlightenment and self-realization.

Clarity of Intention

The more clear our intention is, the more clearly our intention is realized. As human being we are just starting to truly tap into the power of intention and the incredible power of our minds to create what we call “reality.”


Self-Honesty and Clarity of Intention are not enough. Now comes the actions and the follow-through. Taking the small steps every day, every week, every hour to live in alignment and be accountable on a consistent basis to your intentions.

The Inspired Spirit

There are two essential questions on the spiritual path: Who are you? & Why are you here? Spiritual Realization is what I call the root of the tree. It’s what allows everything else in your life to bloom and flower. Without the root, there is no life force coming up from the Source to connect, inform and guide you.

The Inspired Mind

This is the rich territory where we move from unconscious, unhealthy belief systems and thought patterns to conscious, healthy belief systems and thought patterns through power of self-awareness.

The Inspired Body

The body: physical exercise, diet, nutrition is an absolutely essential component of any wellness lifestyle or practice including this one. Raises immune system, releases endorphins, reduces stresses, strengthens the body and the mind, increases energy level, builds self-confidence… I could go on and on … The incredible benefits effect every area of your life…

Inspired Relationships and the Inspired Heart

Relationships are where the highest learning and growth takes place. We can enter into relationships consciously to furthest our highest spiritual evolution and growth or we can use relationships to avoid seeing our self. The time of the lone wolf is over. The real self-discovery and the real creative fire of manifestation comes through conscious relating and conscious community.

Inspired Purpose and Direction in Alignment with Source

The greatest fulfillment without compare comes in living your highest purpose every single day in alignment with Source in this incarnation. This is the place where self-actualization and self-realization become one. … And…. This is where we discover the Big Glow


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