(Travel Blog June 2018 #1) Endless Sunset – The Longest Day of My Life

In the Air
We leave the East Coast of America on WOW airlines just after 7pm est with the sun sitting low in the sky just above the skyline of New York City..
The plane travels in a North East direction along the Northern coast of America, Canada and across Greenland.
Soon after we take off Annie informs me that someone near her farted and the smell is unbearable. She covers her nose and mouth with her sweatshirt for the next 10 minutes. Later I point in the direction of the window. We stare out the window in astonishment at a incredible 3 and half hour sunset that never seems to end. The sky fills with a universe of colors: pinks and reds and yellows and oranges and purples.
We touch each other in places that feel good.
As we travel over the Northern Territories of Canada the sunset shimmers off an infinite, inter-galactic landscape of snow-covered mountains and icy lakes. The sun is just about to dip completely below the horizon.
Annie smells another fart. This time I acknowledge it was me but swear the first time it was not.
Then something amazing happens. The sun starts rising back up! What started as a sunset suddenly becomes a radiant sunrise!.(And no one is farting!)IcelandWe land in Iceland at 4:30am to a sun shining bright and high in the sky.
There is a unique and stark beauty to the landscape of Iceland that’s impossible to describe. Like being on a different planet. The sun comes in on an angle that makes everything and everyone look beautiful. The soil is the color of black rock lava covered with deep green grasses. There are no trees. There is open space in every direction. The air, and vibrational frequency, is pure and clean..
In the airport I order a $10 smoothie and 25 minutes later I am still waiting for it.! The connecting gate is closing as i sprint through the gate like Usain Bolt, at the last moment, and onto the plane. I really wanted that smoothie! Had to wait for it!


Next we land in Stockholm Sweden and take a shuttle to our hosts home.

Our first time here here yet this place feels familiar. Like Scandinavian Love! The air again is pure and clean. the landscape a deep green covered with pine trees, the weather perfect.

We are being hosted by a man named Mikey (named changed to protect his privacy)  Who is Mikey you say?  I don’t know and I have no idea!! Annie found him on a site called couchsurfing.com and he invited us to stay with him.

Mikey tells us he is not home but to take the key and make ourselves at home until he arrives in the evening, He also says we can borrow his car!
Mikey is incredibly kind and warm. He prepares a dinner for us when he returns home. Over dinner he informs us that he and his wife and children separated within the last year.. and they now live in Canada while he lives in Sweden. His daughters room is still maintained but his daughter is no longer there. He says he usually doesn’t sleep in the main bedroom because of the memories of his wife.  He broke his knee cap in a biking accident recently and is wearing a knee brace. He says has been suffering from depression and asks me if I will please teach him meditation while I am here. I say that I will.
Mikey says he has travelers come and stay with him from around the world because he gets lonely at times lately and likes hearing their stories. He has been to over 41 countries himself and has wonderful stories to share..

He asks us if we want to go for a walk by a local lake. it is 10:30pm but still light out! We go to the lake, Mikey drops us off and waits for us because he can’t walk with this broken knee cap. Annie and I walk for a while though the beautiful Swedish forest. We get into yet another deep conversation losing track of time and space. We get incredibly lost and have no idea where we are.

Now its getting very dark. We hear the sound of thunder and lightning approaching, neither of our cell phones work in Sweden, and neither of us brought our wallets. We’re in a very tenuous situation without many options.  Its 11pm.  We see a car and try to wave it down.. Its a Swedish man. He looks at us and keep on driving.
5 minutes later we see another car and wave it down. They stop, The car has two middle eastern immigrants inside it. I explain our situation to them and tell them we need to make a phone call. The driver listens closely. Perhaps he can relate to us. He gets out of the car and hands me his phone. I reach Mikey by phone and he explains to us how to find him from where we are at.
We thank the two gentlemen.
And after 48 hours of sunshine, an endless sunset, and a fair amount of adventure, we have our first night of sleep in Sweden.
To see the pictures and videos that accompany this blog check out my Facebook or Instagram page


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