An Ancient Technology

As Americans we are always looking for the latest technology to improve our lives, and improve the world.

In doing so, it’s been easy to overlook one of the most ancient technologies of all.

Many people view it as antiquated, unscientific, and foolish.

However, the reason it’s a practice that has lasted for thousands of years, is because its success has been well-documented throughout history, even though the modern scientist may have difficulty explaining its success in mechanistic terms.

The technology I am speaking about is prayer.

In my adult life, I have been more of a meditation guy. I have taught meditation to thousands of people around the world, and still do. It’s been transformative for myself, and so many people I’ve worked with.

You can think of meditation, or mindfulness, as more of a listening process. Resting in the state of pure observation. Simply noticing and being fully present with whatever arises.

In this most recent chapter of my life, I have been exploring, more deeply, the power of prayer.

Prayer is more of a two way communication. You develop a connection over time where you communicate with God, and God communicates back with you.

Most people don’t have any success at first, so they think it’s not real. However, I’ve found it’s a practice that deepens over time, through sustained commitment, humility, and sincerity.

And the more it deepens, the more a channel opens to receive guidance, wisdom, insight, and healing, for yourself and for others.

If you’re having a very difficult time right now, you could set the intention to learn how to pray.

See if you can connect, develop, and strengthen that line of communication, with the Creator on a daily basis.

You may discover that you are immensely, and unconditionally supported at all times, even when you thought you weren’t.

You may discover that everything is happening for you to learn the lessons you are here to learn.

You may discover that life is a gift, and you can be a vessel for miracles.

You may discover that you are here to deepen into the unified field of God’s incomprehensible, and eternal love, like a warm blanket without seams.

This is my prayer.

-Brian Piergrossi

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