For Thousands of Years…

For thousands of years now, most of the major religious, and spiritual institutions, have, unfortunately, created a sharp division between the spirit and the physical body.

The spirit was glorified as divine, while the physical body was detested as the enemy. The body was to be ignored, and its needs to be suppressed, and repressed, as the root cause of “sin” that distracts us from our spirit.

This, has created incredible levels of shame, guilt, self-loathing, illness, & disease. It’s cut us from our innate intuition & power, natural vitality, radiance, natural communion with the God, inherent communication, & harmony with the world around us.

As one awakens in consciousness, by the grace of God, a more holistic understanding of the Divine comes into being.

We recognize that every single aspect of ourselves is sacred & holy. Body, Mind, Emotions & Spirit.

Or as I sometimes say: God is all there is.

We realize that that highest purpose, and actually, the sole purpose, of our existence is to fully integrate the body and spirit as ONE. As the same divine essence, like a coat without seams.

The good news is this is currently happening all over the world.

There is a new movement, a new cultural revolution arising, seamlessly integrating holistic wellness with the religious impulse, in a way that’s never quite happened before.

If we define ‘prayer’ as a way to connect with our Creator, we now see there are many ways to consistently ‘pray’.

Prayer is eating whole natural food that comes from the Earth.
Prayer is using holistic modalities to heal ourselves.
Prayer is accessing our sexual energy in a sacred way
Prayer is walking silently in the forest
Prayer is recognizing our body as the sacred temple to be cleansed & purified with the highest discipline & commitment.
Prayer is honoring both the masculine & the feminine.
Prayer is seeing the body as the vessel created by God to shine our highest light.

And finally … Prayer is Super Glow Breathwork!

This past weekend, my wife & I set yet another new record for tickets sales to our SuperGlow breathwork. 🙏 What a blessing!

It was fitting that attendees came, with open hearts and open minds, and packed a venue that used to be a church.

It’s fitting because God is giving birth to new kinds of churches all over the world. However, this time, these new kind of churches fully include, & honor, the divinity of the body.

– Brian Piergrossi



Upcoming Events:

May 29th, 7pm, Johnson City TN
Superglow Breathwork: Relaxing into Wholeness
Info & tix:

June 22, 7pm
Asheville NC
Haw Creek Commons
SuperGlow Breathwork: Transcendence
Limited space. Tickets have selling out in advance

June 29th, 7pm, Fargo ND
Superglow Breathwork: Relaxing into Wholeness
(Email for more info)

Sept 15-17 SuperGlow Breathwork Retreat: Let Go & Let God
With Brian & Annie
Beautiful Black Mountain, NC
Earlybird special. Limited space:


Nov 3-5
Temple of Wholeness Retreat: Awakening the Big Glow Within
Encinitas California
Stay tuned for more info

Interested in personal coaching / breathwork sessions in person, or online? Email me at

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