I’m very happy about yesterday


I’m very happy about yesterday. Something significant and important happened. Something good, perhaps we could even say great, that won’t make any headlines, or be reported in the evening news.

Yesterday, a group of men came together to begin the journey of supporting each other to uplevel their lives for themselves, their families, their communities, and their world.

They dedicated themself to upleveling their physical fitness, their mental well-being, their emotional intelligence, their work & their purpose, their finances, their relationships, and most importantly, their spiritual connection.

Yesterday was the first day of my “Masculine Edge” Mastermind Group for Men.

It’s the 11th mastermind I am leading ,after sixteen years of personal coaching & mentoring. However, this is the first one particularly devoted to men.

Many people over the years asked me to work specifically with men. The majority of who asked me to do so were actually women.

It felt time to answer the call.

It was a powerful energy in the space yesterday of vulnerability, honesty, brotherhood, empowerment, and shared commitment to the highest and best for oneself and each other.

Here’s the text I shared with the group before we began:

There is immense power in a man who knows his purpose and shares an uncommon commitment, and focus, to living and achieving it.

He must continually embrace  productive discomfort. Discomfort marks the place where the old way meets the new way. If it doesn’t challenge you it will not change you .. and it will not change the world.

Be brave or go home

Face your fears, your negativity, and your unconscious patterns. Face every challenge for the good of the whole, with the inner knowing that anything is possible. Devote your life to activating your greatness.

Find out what you’re made of..

These are the codes of the awakening masculine.









To live Ones highest purpose

Embrace competition

Be inspired not jealous

Personal mastery

Relentless effort

Live free of blaming others and complaining

Live free of victim consciousness

Make a positive difference

Always protect and serve the less fortunate

May each of us be a powerful conduit to bring more love & beauty into the world. 🙏

-Brian Piergrossi


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