It’s Great to Make Mistakes – from ‘The Life Artist’s Manual’ – Brian Piergrossi

It’s Great to Make Mistakes – from ‘The Life Artist’s Manual’ – Brian Piergrossi



It’s great to make mistakes



There is an interesting guy I know.  In fact, I probably know him better than anybody else on earth.


It was New Years Day.  He never previously had any desire to make a New Year’s resolution.  But on that cold night, many years ago, he decided to make one for the first time in his life.  He opened up his journal and wrote down the following strange words:  “This year I want to make more mistakes.”


From that point on, his life suddenly became intensely more alive, interesting, fun and exciting.  It was much more challenging, but also much more thrilling!   He was trying new things and taking new chances.  He was exploding in his consciousness and self-awareness.


Was he seen as a success to the outside world?  He no longer knew or cared, but he now knew he was a success to himself.  That guy’s name was Brian Piergrossi.


My definition of success is the degree to which one is living a life in alignment with the deepest intentions of their heart.   Whether or not the outer world judges you as successful, or not, is completely irrelevant as their standards and values may be very different than your own.  What is important is that you feel successful in living the life you feel in your heart.


The people who are most successful in their lives are usually also the one’s who have failed many times.  These people are not afraid of failure but embrace it as as a way of differentiating what works from what doesn’t.  This is true in every phase of life:  professionally, physically, spiritually,  relationships etc…   Small failures are stepping stones to larger successes.


How do you discover what is alignment with your heart and how do you manifest more of it in your life?  The answer is different for each of us.  However, there is one answer which is the same for all of us.


The answer is by trying things. By experimenting with your life and exploring new horizons.  By making mistakes and learning from them until you get it right.  Each mistake brings you closer to the mark.


It is better to try something and fail and live without regret, than to try almost nothing and be seen as “successful”.  It is better to heroically fail on occasion than to safely succeed.


There is no reason why a life full of mistakes can not be a life full of great joy.  It gives you so much more character.  Every time you make a mistake you learn.  You learn what you really want and what really works.  You learn things you never would have discovered if you did not make those mistakes.


Someone who has made ten thousand mistakes is probably much wiser, stronger and better than someone who has made two.  So if you want to advance in your spiritual growth, make more mistakes and learn from them.


The truth is, however, from the enlightened perspective, there really is no such thing as “mistakes” anywhere in the universe.  There are only divine lessons put before us to learn and grow in our consciousness everyday toward living a richer, deeper life.   From this perspective there is really no such thing as failure, just lessons learned on the path of eternal success.


To take the chance to learn and grow everyday and be open to making mistakes is the avenue to a fulfilling life of great richness and depth.  Fulfillment comes not in the success or failure, but in the joy of the journey and the knowledge that you had the courage to take the chance.


– Brian Piergrossi , excerpt from his forthcoming book The Life Artist’s Manual


Brian’s two previous books ‘The Wow of the Now: Awakening to the Big Glow Within’ and ‘The Big Glow: Insight, Inspiration, Peace and Passion’ are available in hardcopy or ebook through his website: or

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