lluminate: Embodied Presencing Session & Photoshoot for Couples

One of the greatest ways to heal the world is for two human beings to fall more deeply in love with each other.

Annie and I recently co-created a profound, life changing experience for a couple, I’d like to share with you.

After months of planning and conversation, the session was booked, the deposit was transferred, and the perfect studio space was reserved.

At 6:30am, on a beautiful, Spring, weekday morning, we got into the car and began our drive to a beautiful location.

We arrived to find sunlight streaming in through the big open windows, reflecting off the hardwood floors, and the storied, thick, ancient walls.

The stillness was palpable.

The morning light was incredible, like a Big Glow. illuminating the radiance inside of each and every one of us.

We prepared the space, both physically, and energetically, for something special to occur. I would be facilitating a couple through an embodied presencing session, while Annie would capture beautiful photography of their deepening intimacy, connection and communion throughout the morning.

What transpired that morning was beyond powerful and beautiful.

As I guided them through a series of carefully prepared exercises in unified presence, Annie photographed them together.

We photographed a couple becoming so fully relaxed, authentic & intimate and available to the dance of each moment together.

We photographed the magnetic, divine interplay of masculine and feminine.

We photographed a couple that had become increasingly beautiful, radiant, alive, inspired, authentic, and in love with each other, moment by moment.

The unique, energetic signature of these moments could always be referred back to, and shared anywhere they desired, through these photographs.

At the completion of the session, we knew we had cocreated something special that, from that moment forward, we were called to  with other couples around the world.

Some potential benefits of


Embodied Presencing Session & Photoshoot for Couples

Create beauty

Build confidence

Deepen intimacy

Self-worth & self love

Foster sexual polarity

Heal sexual trauma

Spiritual awakening

Grow your business

Magnetize higher vibrational possibilities

Expand your playfulness & imagination

Develop conscious communication

Embrace your shadow

Realize your innate gifts

Face your fears

Transcend victim consciousness Tap more deeply in your greatest empowerment

Discover who you really are

Resolve & clear conflict

Deepen in forgiveness

Shine like the light you are

This is not only a photoshoot.

It’s an evolutionary adventure you and your partner will forever share together, with the photos as the momento.

If this is something that interests you in anyway, please reach out to us for a free consultation.

Freely share your desires, imaginations, themes, fantasies, you envision for the photoshoot, without limitation. That’s the first step In the process.  Pricing and time frame varies with each client. We are currently based in Asheville NC. Traveling to you is an option as well.

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