The Masculine Edge: Summer Mastermind Group 2022

The Masculine Edge: Summer Mastermind Group 2022 

Season 11

with Brian Piergrossi 

This will be my 11th season leading this Mastermind group.

The focus this session is for men integrating a conscious, awakened, powerful masculinity, for greater focus, purpose, resiliency, strength, & accountability to reach new-found levels of success & manifestation in every area of your life. What author David Deida calls ‘the third tier’.

The men in this mastermind are dedicated to optimizing every aspect of their lives: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Their relationship, their communities & their families. Their sacred purpose, financial abundance, & the place they call home.



The people who register for my mastermind groups are people who are interested in a supportive community to inspire, & hold them accountable, to living the life of their dreams.

They are conscious entrepreneurs, or creatively minded, on a path of spiritual awakening.

They are committed to activating a deeper level of inspired purpose, love, freedom, empowerment and abundance in their lives, and thus, those around them.


Some common questions.

How many people?

This group is limited to only 6 people to maintain optimal intimacy and cohesion.



We meet in a weekly Zoom call for approximately 60 minutes June through September (4 months).

Once everyone registers, a time of day will be chosen that works for all members.

(The past group chose Monday nights)


What are the meetings like?

The meetings will be held sacred as a life-enhancing priority and will begin promptly at the specified time regardless of who is present.

It’s OK if you’re unable to attend every meeting, just let us know in advance.

The meetings are upbeat, enriching, fun, encouraging, supportive, focused, and beneficial to each individual and the group.

Each member shares honestly, and vulnerably, ideas, support, information, feedback, and anything else that will help advance the individual and group goals.

All sessions are confidential and nothing that transpires will be shared publicly.


What is the Format?

Here is the format that has proven successful. There are  Seven Stages to Each Meeting.

1) Opening meditation ( 5 minutes of silence)

2) Check-ins: How are you feeling right now in your mind, your heart, your spirit, your body?

3) We will review what has been positively achieved outwardly, and/or realized inwardly since the last meeting.

4) We will also share any problems, or setbacks, experienced since the last meeting and ask for whatever support is requested.

5) Brian will offer the group coaching & mentoring support followed, at times, by suggested homework.

6) Each member will share their intentions/goals for the following week.



Can we stay in touch between meetings?

Definitely! There is a private messaging thread to stay in touch, update and support each other on homework, insights, and accountability. between sessions. This is, in fact, where a lot of the best stuff transpires.


How much does it cost?

Only $777 up front for 4 months.

or 3 installments of $300 each.

Payment via PayPal, Venmo ASAP to

(Bitcoin accepted)

Limited space still available.  We begin first week in June. Please email me at ASAP to schedule an interview.


Feedback from previous clients:

“Brian was an anchor of positivity for me during a very difficult and disorienting transition in my life. The results have been amazing. I am now making money doing impactful & meaningful work that I love. I am living in the place of my dreams and spend several months a year traveling the world. I’ve gotten into the best shape of my life and cultivated a new magical relationship with my true soulmate. Brian’s guidance, support, and laser-sharp perceptions got me here.” -A.M., Minneapolis, MN

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