After 12 years of living in the Asheville NC area, I have very happily moved to a refurbished farm house, on six gorgeous acres, in the heavenly area known as the Virginia Highlands, in Southwest Virginia.
We’re within 20 minutes of a couple very cute, small towns we often frequent.
The property feels like a natural retreat & sanctuary.
There’s nothing but the sounds of Nature & plenty of privacy.
The nervous system immediately relaxes.
The mind quiets.
And the soul remembers.
There’s inspiring views in every direction.
The property has three distinct parts to it.
The first part of the property is a big, open, green lawn.
The second part is a big, wild field, filled with colorful wildflowers in the Summer.
On the back end of the property is a creek with a steep forested hill.
I’ve been out cutting trails through the property & we’ve been slowly furnishing the new home.
Our hearts feels at home here.
The future holds many exciting possibilities, however, I don’t foresee us ever living in the city again.
The property is close to two hours North of Asheville.
We’re also still in Asheville a couple nights week, as well, doing personal & group sessions with clients, having various meetings, & a little bit of social time.
Family & Community:
After being together since 2017 , Annie & I will celebrate our first year of marriage together this December.
Annie is also pregnant for the first time, & as divinely guided by the most High, we will be bringing our first child into this world together in 2024.🙏🤠💓🙌
I’ve been deepening with a wonderful new circle of friends while sustaining many precious & congruent, long-time friendships as well.
Lots of new clients have begun working with me in the past few weeks and I’m loving the resonance.
I’ve begun consistently working with couples on relationship work.
I officiated my first wedding & married my first couple.
We’re looking forward to our first New Years breathwotk retreat in the Blue Ridge Mountains on Dec. 30
In 2024, I’ll be sharing consistent online sessions again, in a new way, open to the public.
Lots of interesting inner shifts & lifestyle changes as well. I’ll share more about those soon in part II. So stay tuned.
That’s enough for now.
Remember you’re a miracle.
Don’t be intimidated by these times.
You were born for this.
With love,
Brian Piergrossi