Over 18 years ago, I took the leap of starting my business as a “life coach” and have been solely supported by this passionate calling of sacred service ever since.
Over that time span, I’ve helped thousands of people from every corner on Earth to see more clearly what their challenges are, why those challenges exist, and support them in creating winning strategies, and accountability for them to transcend those challenges and fully step into the life God has called them to.
I’ve tackled every kind of situation you can imagine, with every kind of person you can imagine.
A question I’ve been getting lately is what kind of marketing and promotion plan have I used, over the years, to attract clients to my business?
Here’s my unconventional answer on how to magnetically attract people to your business.
Be outstanding.
By far the most important, yet often overlooked, thing is to dedicate yourself to becoming outstanding at what you do in a way that brings amazing, yet tangible, results.
The results in the positive transformation of the people I’ve worked with naturally inspire them to refer others.
When you, first and foremost, dedicate yourself to being outstanding in the service you are providing, most of the “marketing and promotion” will naturally come from word of mouth, as the results are plain to see.
You can have the slickest, most expensive marketing and promotion campaign, but it’s not going to matter over the long-term if you’re not fully dedicated to becoming outstanding at what you do and creating life-changing results.
Be trustworthy.
Be as authentic and genuine as you can be in your communication at all times. Don’t ever lie, try to deceive, or manipulate people to get new clients.
You are building a long-term relationship! The most important element of any relationship, whether personal or business, is trust.
You only build that trust by being honest and authentic.
Be present.
Instead of having some prepackaged marketing plan, be present and alive to the moment, listen closely, and speak from the inspired truth in your heart.
In being fully in the Now and deeply listening to someone, I can genuinely learn what their needs are, and how I may be able to best support them, often in very creative and innovative ways.
Do it for love.
Only follow a career path if you genuinely feel it’s making a positive difference in the world from the deepest call of your heart. If you truly feel it’s your highest purpose.
Never, EVER, do anything destructive to others because the money is good.
In other words, do it only as a mission of love!
Be generous in sharing your time, energy, knowledge, and wisdom.
What I’ve seen over 18 years is that when you do your work from a place of genuine care and love for others, they can feel it.
When you do things for the right reasons, you’ll attract the right people, and get the right results.
-Brian Piergrossi