Another really special New Year’s Retreat is complete

Another really special New Year’s Retreat is complete.

This one was … well…the best one ever. 😊

The theme I asked everyone to carry through the weekend was: Re-Birth

First we focused on releasing all that no longer serves us from 2023 and prior.

Then, as we entered 2024, the prompt was to allow oneself to be reborn, from the field of infinite possibility.

If anything is possible, what do you want to create in these ten areas?

Work / Purpose
Financial abundance

However, this wasn’t just a self-centered journey. We spent a lot of time praying, sending love out, for our friends, our family, and the world at large, including you. 😊

The power of our silent, candle-lit, meditation & prayer circle as we entered 2024 together at midnight is something I’ll always remember.

The synergy, friendship, fondness, & support, the group developed for each other was very special.

This cohesion made the daily group breathworks extra dynamic each subsequent day.

It’s a very powerful way to start the year. I highly recommend it.

We’ll do it at the same location in Black Mountain NC again next New Years so mark your calendars, and make arrangements in advance, to join us.

A special shoutout, & thank you, to my wife Annie Marie for being such a loving presence to myself, and the entire community, throughout the retreat.

She’s holding down the divine feminine like it’s going out of style!

If you’re feeling stuck & would like ongoing coaching/ mentoring support in making 2024 the most pivotal year of your life, aligned with God’s highest vision & love for you, reach out to me: thebigglow@protonmail,com

The time to begin is always, and forever, right now. 💪

Happy New Year!

– Brian Piergrossi

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