Does a coach, mentor, or healer, have the most essential thing?

Does a coach, mentor, or healer, have the most essential thing?

Some have all the certifications, have read all the books, have the best marketing funnels, made all the sexy instagram posts, where the coolest clothes, yet they are stuck on a self-absorbed narcissistic, get rich quick scheme, and missing the most essential thing.

Missing this most essential thing creates both a lack of sustained success, and a lack of sustained fulfillment.

Therefore, they usually don’t last long, nor do they see much sustained transformation in their clients.

In doing this sacred work full time, for over 17 years, as my sole source of income, I pray everyone can have a livelihood that is as inspiring, exciting, and fulfilling, as the one I have.

The clients that I work with truly feel like my family. It’s a beautiful community of humans dedicated to stepping into the highest version of themselves.

Some of these people have been my clients for over 15 years!

Over the years, I’ve watched my clients transcend drug addictions, alcohol addictions, porn addictions, food addictions, lose weight and get super fit, transcend patterns of anxiety and worry, heal from trauma patterns and chronic Illness, practice forgiveness & gratitude, and step into their highest light.

I’ve seen them find, and marry the person of their dreams.

Start families.

I’ve seen them build their business from no income to six figures annually, and beyond, in the span of a year.

I’ve seen them go from jobs they despise to sharing their true gifts and passion with the world.

I’ve seen them move to their dream home.

I’ve seen them develop an amazing new sense of conscious community.


However, it’s not easy, and it’s usually not a straight line. Any coach, or healer, that tells you that it is, is lying.

It requires continued self-honesty, consistent accountability, the courage to continue to make mistakes, and learn from them.

I continue to see my clients in their highest light even when, oftentimes, they don’t initially have the confidence, or self-love, to see themselves that way yet.


And that brings us to the most essential thing:


The tools & strategies, and all the wisdom gained through personal application, and lived experience, research, and study, working with thousands of people over the years, is important, yet it’s not the most essential thing.

When you know who you really are, and why you’re really here, you become an open vessel for God’s love.

The essential reason one sees transformations, healings, and success stories, with clients, over such a sustained period of time is LOVE.

Everyday I strive to love them the way God loves them.. and see them exactly the way God sees them.

It’s been written “with love all things are possible” .. and that is true.

When the power of this love is sustained & consistent, all things are possible, and life becomes miraculous.

I can testify to that with my own eyes.

There is an immense healing, & transformative power, in this kind of love that transcends words.

Send me a message if you’re interested in learning more about my work… and thanks for reading this far. 🙏

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