Life Coaching Payments

Eight week life coaching program. Make payment with Paypal. Pay in full or in installments Option 1 $100.00Option 2 $250.00Option 3 $500.00

I am Asking for Eight Weeks to Change Your Life

I am very excited about the Eight Week Life Artist Masters Program beginning Monday Jan 18th. And working with you personally in providing the coaching support to  bring more consciousness, creativity, inner-peace, self-awareness and tangible results into every aspect of your life.  Together we will be embarking on the most beautiful journey of all.. the journey to the Authentic Self …

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A Sentence for the New Paradigm in Relationships

This started as a status update last night and I was asked by my friends on Facebook to make it into a note so that it’s easier to share with others here. So here you go. I would love to see conscious relationships in the new paradigm share these words with each other: “I love you. I see you. I …

The Namaste Project- NYC

I am excited to support, endorse and the Namaste Project. Our first public event starts  Jan 1st at 1pm. Join others in bringing silence, presence,  and stillness to one of the busiest places on earth- Times Square NYC. 🙂 The Namaste Project was created by my  friend Ashley Ruiz of the band HereIIHere. Click here for details and how to …

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Online: The Life Artist’s Masters Program: Jan 18 to Mar 19

Is it possible, with clear intention, to create a life that is in alignment with your highest passion and the deepest call of your heart? I can tell you from personal experience,  and from working professionally with others for close to five years, the most exhilarating feeling is to be living in alignment with Source, beyond limitation, creating the life …

Check Out My New Website!

The new website is 95% finished. This new website is better organized, easier to navigate, with lots of photos galleries, videos and audios. The content will be of equally high vibration, and inspirational quality. Take your time and browse around. This is a much more interactive site. You can share comments on my blog. You can also share the big …

The Big Glow Community Chat: Tantric Sex

Free Online Chat with Brian Piergrossi: Beginning 10pm est/7pm pst Subject: Tantric Sex Sign up: Visit The Big Glow Online Community

Miracles -Walt Whitman

Miracles Why, who makes much of a miracle? As to me I know of nothing else but miracles, Whether I walk the streets of Manhattan, Or dart my sight over the roofs of houses toward the sky, Or wade with naked feet along the beach just in the edge of the water, Or stand under trees in the woods, Or …

The Big Glow Community Online Chat: Community Sharing

[singlepic id=89 w=320 h=240 float=left]Free, Informal, Open Chat Wisdom Wednesday, 12/9/09,  beginning 10pm est/7pm pst for The Big Glow Online  Community Your presence is welcome. Sign in Below to Participate Visit The Big Glow Online Community