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The Glow from the Open Road (New Video)

  Annie and I recently did a six week, cross-country road trip. We led breathwork workshops, classes, and private sessions across America with great people. We saw lots of wonderful friends and made new ones along the way. We took in stunningly, beautiful scenery. I compressed those six weeks into a six minute video for you. Theres no greater joy …

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Are You Available? It’s the Only Question

It’s twilight here. The sky is a dark, purplish magic. The soundtrack has changed. The crickets have begun singing in perfect rhythm in the idyllic, Blue Ridge mountains. A slightly cooler breeze now moves moves across my skin. A break from the humid day. Soon the frogs will be singing in harmony with the crickets. A Sunday night, mountain symphony. …

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I don’t think I’ve ever written anything on the 4th of July …

I don’t think I’ve ever written anything on the 4th of July to celebrate the United States of America.   As I’ve been to every state in America except Alaska, done retreats & workshops, and met people all over this beautiful country, I do believe I know it pretty well.   This is the soil I was born out of. …

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I’m very happy about yesterday

  I’m very happy about yesterday. Something significant and important happened. Something good, perhaps we could even say great, that won’t make any headlines, or be reported in the evening news. Yesterday, a group of men came together to begin the journey of supporting each other to uplevel their lives for themselves, their families, their communities, and their world. They …

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True Community is What Our Society is Lacking

True Community is what our society is lacking. To grow & learn together. To struggle, succeed, & sometimes fail together, in shared purpose. In sacred space, we step into a more empowered wholeness, of who really are, in deepening  communion with the universal creative intelligence that flows through all that is, also known as God. I remember, one day, standing  in a …

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The Masculine Edge: Summer Mastermind Group 2022

The Masculine Edge: Summer Mastermind Group 2022  Season 11 with Brian Piergrossi  This will be my 11th season leading this Mastermind group. The focus this session is for men integrating a conscious, awakened, powerful masculinity, for greater focus, purpose, resiliency, strength, & accountability to reach new-found levels of success & manifestation in every area of your life. What author David …

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lluminate: Embodied Presencing Session & Photoshoot for Couples

One of the greatest ways to heal the world is for two human beings to fall more deeply in love with each other. Annie and I recently co-created a profound, life changing experience for a couple, I’d like to share with you. After months of planning and conversation, the session was booked, the deposit was transferred, and the perfect studio …

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Is the grass ever actually greener on the other side?

Is the grass ever actually greener on the other side? Do external changes ever facilitate, sustained internal changes? There’s so many examples of ways unhappy human beings seek happiness externally. New house, new spouse or lover, new job, new car, new baby, new nose, new tattoo, new gender, new plant medicine ceremony, new intentional community etc.. But do these external …

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How it all Began. The Spiritual Conspiracy & Me. – Brian Piergrossi

Greetings Everyone! Here is the full poem of mine that’s gone viral around the world in recent weeks. It was written in the early 2000’s and published in 2008 in my first book ‘The Big Glow: Insight, Inspiration, Peace & Passion’ It was originally entitled ‘Love is the New Religion’  As people began sharing it, they would often change the …