I’ve been having a problem. I’m realizing even more deeply that words, and thus thoughts, are mostly a distraction from the essence of who we really are which can not be put into words. You can’t put the infinite sky into a can. It can’t be done. We’re so vast, and timeless. So free. So grounded in love, to ever …
Many People Think the Secret to Well-Being is Too Complicated
Many people think the secret to well-being is too complicated for our minds to grasp. The truth is exactly the opposite. The obvious keys to well-being are too simple for our complicated minds to want to face. The keys to well-being are the same as they’ve always been. 1. Exercise everyday. 2. Sleep well. 3. Eat whole foods that come …
So Many People Don’t Understand Meditation
So many people don’t understand meditation. They think it’s a strategy to get from the present to a better place in the future. They think they’re not doing it right. They think they need more knowledge so they can master it. Meditation is never what you think it is. When it comes to meditation, more knowledge is not the solution. …
Does a coach, mentor, or healer, have the most essential thing?
Does a coach, mentor, or healer, have the most essential thing? Some have all the certifications, have read all the books, have the best marketing funnels, made all the sexy instagram posts, where the coolest clothes, yet they are stuck on a self-absorbed narcissistic, get rich quick scheme, and missing the most essential thing. Missing this most essential thing creates …
New Podcast: What are the True Teachings of Jesus? Marshall Davis & Brian Piergrossi
How did such a profound, life-changing teaching, & transmission, of love, compassion, forgiveness, inner peace & non-judgement, by Jesus Christ get turned into a teaching of fear, division, shame, guilt, vengeance, and judgement, by so many who claim to be followers of his? In my second conversation with Marshall Davis, we explore together, what are the true teachings of …
Upcoming Public Events
Online: The Circle Every Thursday Night at 7pm Est. Playback on my Brian Piergrossi Youtube Channel and Brian Piergrossi Podcast Inquire about my Men’s Mastermimd & Accountability. First opening in close to a year. If interested email: thebigglow@protonmail.com Join our Telegram community of over 500 members! This is where we interact daily In person: Aug 30, 7pm, Princeton, WV The …
It’s been wonderful to be reconnecting with the guys I used to get into trouble with growing up here in Berks County, Pennsylvania. We’d be out from morning till night, in the Summers, doing things I can’t mention on social media… but boy was it fun doing those things I can’t mention on social media!! We’d only come back inside …
What is Commitment? Why is it Important?
Reflections on what ‘commitment’ means after sharing our SuperGlow breathwork journey with another full house in Asheville last night… Commitment means there’s no other option than success, no matter how long it takes. Pure devotion means sustained, unwavering focus & discipline, in unison with a creative malleability to grow into God’s great purpose & dreams for us, no matter how …
I asked Chat GPT: ‘Who is Brian Piergrossi?’
I asked Chat GPT ‘Who is Brian Piergrossi?’ Here’s what it said: Brian Piergrossi is an author, spiritual teacher, and coach known for his writings & teachings on personal transformation, mindfulness, & spirituality. He has written several books, including “The Big Glow: Insights, Inspiration, Peace and Passion,” & “The Wow of the Now: Awakening the Big Glow Within”. Piergrossi’s work …
For Thousands of Years…
For thousands of years now, most of the major religious, and spiritual institutions, have, unfortunately, created a sharp division between the spirit and the physical body. The spirit was glorified as divine, while the physical body was detested as the enemy. The body was to be ignored, and its needs to be suppressed, and repressed, as the root cause of …